Parkinson's Disease Causes, Symptoms and Herbal Treatment From Healthgarde

Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and the most common movement disorder. It is characterized by progressive loss of muscle control, which leads to trembling of the limbs and head while at rest, stiffness, slowness, and impaired balance. As symptoms worsen, it may become difficult to walk, talk, and complete simple tasks.

What Is Parkinson's Disease?

The progression of Parkinson's disease and the degree of impairment vary from individual to individual. 
Many people with Parkinson's disease live long productive lives, whereas others become disabled much more quickly.
Premature death is usually due to complications such as falling-related injuries or pneumonia.

Most individuals who develop Parkinson's disease are 60 years of age or older. Since overall life expectancy is rising, the number of individuals with Parkinson's disease will increase in the future. 

Adult-onset Parkinson's disease is most common, but early-onset Parkinson's disease (onset between 21-40 years), and juvenile-onset Parkinson's disease (onset before age 21) also exist.

Descriptions of Parkinson's disease date back as far as 5000 BC. Around that time, an ancient Indian civilization called the disorder Kampavata and treated it with the seeds of a plant containing therapeutic levels of what is today known as levodopa. 

Parkinson's disease was named after the British doctor James Parkinson, who in 1817 first described the disorder in great detail as "A."

 You will also recall that Mohammed Ali a great boxing legend and a great poet died after battling Parkinson's disease for years. May his soul rest in peace.

 What Causes Parkinson's Disease

1. Lack Of Dopamine

A substance called dopamine acts as a messenger between two brain areas - the substantia nigra and the corpus striatum - to produce smooth, controlled movements. 
Most of the movement-related symptoms of Parkinson's disease are caused by a lack of dopamine due to the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra. 

When the amount of dopamine is too low, communication between the substantia nigra and corpus striatum becomes ineffective, and movement becomes impaired; the greater the loss of dopamine, the worse the movement-related symptoms. 

2. Brain Cell Degeneration

Other cells in the brain also degenerate to some degree and may contribute to non-movement-related symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Although it is well known that lack of dopamine causes the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, it is not clear why the dopamine-producing brain cells deteriorate. 

Other Causes Include

  •  Dysfunctional cellular processes
  •  Inflammation
  •  Stress
  •  Abnormal clumps

Genetic and pathological studies have revealed that various dysfunctional cellular processes, inflammation, and stress can all contribute to cell damage. In addition, abnormal clumps called Lewy bodies, which contain the protein alpha-synuclein, are found in many brain cells of individuals with Parkinson's disease. 

The function of these clumps with Parkinson's disease is not understood. In general, scientists suspect that dopamine loss is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

 Risk Factors For Parkinson's Disease

- Genetic
- Environmental
- Illness
- Aging

Many experts think that the disease is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, which may vary from person to person.

In some people, genetic factors may play a role; in others, illness, environmental toxins, or other events may contribute to Parkinson's disease.

Scientists have identified aging as an important risk factor; there is a 2 to 4% risk for Parkinson’s among people over age 60, compared with 1 to 2% in the general population.

The chemical or genetic trigger that starts the cell death process in dopamine neurons is the subject of intense scientific study. 

Nutritional And Herbal Treatment For Parkinson's Disease  From Healthgarde

Complete Health garde products to use: Aloe vite / Buchu detoxMemory gardeSeavitalDefender,  Omega PlusCalmag PlusA&R Garde40 plus for men / 40 plus for women and Multivite

For more information call/WhatsApp Felix Joshua at +2347038574473, +2348074256315
